- the official site

Messages from Roger Glover

The Post-Season Post

I trust everybody survived the preceding festivities with nothing more than indigestion. After being away on tour for a large part of the year, I finally returned home to spend Christmas, etc. with my family. The tour was one of the best, we all agreed on that. So massive thanks to our heroic crew and a huge thank you to all who supported us last year, the year of =1.


Mick Underwood R.I.P.

Mick Underwood was a lovely man. I was deeply saddened to learn that he had died. It’s taken me a while to digest the news and put in perspective what he meant for Ian Gillan and me. When he joined Episode Six, he brought a new sense of professionalism to the band and the live performances took an immediate upturn. That said, it can’t be denied that we’d been chasing that elusive lucky break for so long that we’d just about run out of steam.


Dave Hodgkinson R.I.P.

The emergence of the Internet in the 80’s revolutionised social and business connections on many levels, particularly the new relationship the band found with fans. Prior to that, fans were in another world to us – now we’re in the same world. The early chat rooms were a revelation but when it evolved into The Highway Star, not only did I become aware of like-minded people but made some stimulating friends.


Seijiro Udo R.I.P.

Sadly, one of the greatest promoters has passed on. Mr. Udo was not only a superb businessman but a deeply passionate advocate for music in Japan. He could always be counted on as a dignified and sincere presence in our lives. He and his remarkable team supported Deep Purple and many others with professional courtesy and generosity over decades of touring in Japan.


Mo Foster R.I.P.

Deep sadness at the news that Mo Foster has died. I met him on the Butterfly Ball sessions in 1974 and we always remained friends. Not only was he a warm and charming man but an inspiring bass player and endowed with a superb sense of humour. His book British Rock Guitar was, and is, both insightful and wickedly funny. One of a kind.