- the official site


Messages from RG


Hi all

        It is August and my wife Les and I are enjoying being home again, for a short while.  The US Tour was arduous (not that I can complain too much, that would be churlish) but very satisfying in a number of ways, not the least of which was the backstage atmosphere between the bands.

         A week or so into the tour, in Atlanta, Ronnie Dio looked around one night and noticed the ubiquitous crew Ouniform¹ of black T-shirts set off by black jeans, and decided that some colour was needed.


Hi everybody

Well, that’s a bit grandiose isn’t it? Everybody is a lot of people and I hardly think they’ll be wanting to visit my web site, at least not all at the same time.

Anyway, Wwwelcome to my web site, whose look will change soon. Andreas Thul is the engine behind it, Tim Weeks is doing the design, and I will be supplying the fuel that, with luck, will keep it running.


A brief update

Weds 26th November, on ITV, is the airdate for The Making Of Machine Head. 11.45pm I’m told, but check just in case. I have seen the DVD and it is wonderful. I don’t know if it will be edited for TV but the DVD has a lot of extra material. The most exciting part is video footage of us in the 70s, at Hofstra University on Long Island, New York, playing Smoke – as far as I know, the ONLY film/video of us playing that song.


2002 – Here and gone

2002 – Here and gone

The year is drawing to a close but I want to tell you that for me it has been a really good one. I wish to wish you all the wishes that you wish for to come true. But be careful what you wish for!

It has been another triumphant year for Deep Purple; we survived. Our tours were a joy – yet again we were welcomed at various places around the planet and I am pleased for all the support you gave us.


Studio Report

The transition from rehearsals to the recording went easily. The studio has a distinct old English feel to it; old maps, paintings, the Magna Carta ( it might even be the real one), tapestries, etc. adorn the walls; there are Gothic touches around, and the ceilings are high. The standard is also high, the staff impeccable. Our assistant Chris is always on the ball.