- the official site

Snapshot Update

Snapshot continues to make steady progress. Here is the latest radio report from stations across North America. There doesn’t seem to be any pattern but we’re getting plays in some strange places as well as the more well known markets. Reaction has been very favourable so far. I am working on performing some gigs in a month or two – a lot depends on the availability of the players and also on the progress the record makes both in sales and on the radio. Eagle Rock is strongly behind me and is making a big effort; they really believe in the record and I appreciate that.

I enclose an ad that appeared earlier on, showing an interesting list of connections for many of the players in The Guilty Party. For those who are interested, the US version of the CD omitted the tray photograph showing my four-year-old bum, not for reasons of prudery so much as .oops, what photograph?! A slip up in art department? A lost piece of artwork? Whatever it is, it is the way it is now. Never mind, they’ve made up for it in enthusiasm.

There is also a photograph of my daughter Gillian, for those who are wondering what she looks like. It was taken by her friend Abbie a year or so ago.

Good luck,