It’s unthinkable that Jon is gone. My thoughts are for his wife Vicky and all his children and family at this sad moment in their lives. I wish them all strength.
A great sadness and sense of loss hangs over me. Not only has the music world lost a fantastic musician but a gentleman of the finest order. He was a giant in my life, a great friend, a fellow traveler, a teacher, not only of music, but of life. I am devastated at his passing.
115 thoughts on “Jon”
Hello Roger!
I’ve been listening to Deep Purple and all the spinoffs since mid ’70s, and it has given me so much. To me Deep Purple was always a band and not five separate members, but when I heard of the passing of Mr Jon Lord I realized that it is just that, namely individuals who create a band. Jon Lord was a vital part of that band and without his membership we would probably never have heard things such as Lazy or Perfect Strangers. At least not with that particular Hammond growl. Don Airey is doing a wonderful job, absolutely, and I have deeply appreciated his work from the Rainbow days on. But without Jon things wouldn’t have been the same. I know I will never be able to tell anyone of you in person how much I love your work, but I can at least tell you this way and just hope for you to pass this on the all the members of the band. I’ve seen the band play live 11 times from 1975 and up until present lineup, and the only ones I’ve missed are the MK1 och MK4 lineups. Thank you very much for all the wonderful things I’ve had the benefit to listen to!
With deepest regards!
Stefan Persson
As a longtime fan of Deep Purple I wish to say a few words about the loss of Jon Lord.
I was shocked when I´ve read the news of the passing of Mr. Lord, I have seen DP on many shows and I´ve always enjoy it everytime, Jon had a very uniqe sound and he did fill the soundpicture as the master he was of he´s instrument.
I´m still very sad even though it has been a half year now since the horrible news of Jon, it has become a World of missing, I can´t think of how the rest of Jon´s friends cope with this sadness, Jon did so much for music and it´s impossible to think the records without him!.
I´ve read the books and magazines and of course have seen interviews with him on youtube and videos.
The last time I saw Jon and Deep Purple was in 2000 and as always I sat down with goosebumps and just enjoying what I heard.
So to you Mr. Glover and the rest of the band, I wish to express my deepest thoughts to you all.
With love Martin ( Fan of Deep Purple since 1970)
Jon LLord…. la classe à l’état pur.
J’espère qu’il continue de s’éclater sur son Hammond
Jon m’a toujours impressionné dans tous les sens du terme : musicien, bien sûr, en tant que gentlemen de par sa volonté de conserver vivant Deep Purple malgré les fortes personnalités ayant traversé la vie du groupe et surtout par son éclectisme musical qui a fait sa force. Merci encore pour tout le bonheur qu’il nous a donné. Il a rejoint son ami Tony Ashton “for an eternal jam !”
I was very sad when I heard Jon died
Deep Purples music was first class material .
Only the Best Rock groups come from the UK .
May Jon for ever Rest .
I was a great fan of Deep Purple since 1967.
At College wwe use to pound that music out on a small stereo player in the Class room at Lunch time every day And in my working days on the City Council we played Smoke on the water on the trucks stereo .
I am now 58 going on 59 and still love Deep Purple Music .
Plus please give my LUV and sympathies to the Lord family . Send my Scouse luv to the whole band members and famlies please .
I live in New Zealand .
I have been away for a while in the Bush and only just found out about Jon . I will say this much you all were fantastic artists .
God Bless you Rodger .
jon restera pour beaucoup l’intro de child in time ….
Jon’s passing is a huge loss to the world. For 44 of my 53 years, his music has been a very important part of my life from Hush to the latest orchestral music he was working on. Jon showed the world that there are no categories for music other than in his own words, “good music and bad music”. One can play rock as well as classical. In many ways, I felt that he was a mentor to me, showing me how to be a better keyboard player as well as demonstrating that it is alright to love rock and classical music. Jon was someone I wanted to meet. I am fortunate that I got to see Deep Purple in concert, in 1972, ’85 and ’87. I am deeply, deeply saddened at his passing, crying upon hearing this terrible news. I cannot imagine the pain his family is going through or yourself and those in the music world who knew him so well. What is truly sad is that Jon had so much more to say and share with us. But, what he did share with us, what Jon did give to the world is immense and enormous. Yes, the world is poorer with his passing, but the world is so much richer for all that he gave and left to us, for him having lived. What a fantastic legacy. What a remarkeable life. His music will live on and endure.
Roger, please take care of yourself and the same for the rest of the lads. My deepest condolences to Jon’s family, you and the Deep Purple family.
Jon Lord is the musician who inspired me to quit classical music and started my passion in Rock music and especially Deep Purple … He will always be my main influence … words can’t express the loss … R.I.P. Jon Lord, we will never forget you. You will be always in my heart
I was so sad to hear the news about Jon. I was in London at the time and wish i could have paid my respects. My thoughts are with his family and friends. I am greatful I got to meet such an amazing musician. xx
Truly a shock to hear about Jon Lords passing. His music and spirit will live on forever. (I´m sure Lord, Dio, Burton and Hendrix are jamming at the moment :)). RIP Jon Lord.
I was deeply saddened to hear about Sir Jon Lord’s passing. He truly was the Lord of the Keys, and God broke the mold when he made him. I remember as a young child back in the ’70’s when I would go over to my Aunt’s house and my cousin would play Deep Purple records(usually at full volume). I would look through the albums and he would tell me about the band members, and all the songs, etc. Even at a tender age, Jon’s playing on songs such as Space Truckin’, etc. stand out in my mind. You just don’t forget music like that, ever. I am very grateful I got to see Jon perform with Deep Purple back in the ’90’s. I was so hoping he would recover and be able to perform again-we loved him very much, but God loved him more, and I guess that is why he called him home. It makes you realize how precious life is-I am grateful Jon shared his music, his talent, and himself with the whole world, and the world is that much richer for it. God bless Sir Jon Lord. Roger, please take care of yourself too, because I want you around for many, many years to come. We all do. -Denise
In my teens, he formed my approach to the Hammond. As a grandfather he again showed me how a piano and orchestra are done. With YouTube I was able to see hi
In interviews and learn more about the man . What a loss, but what a legacy he left.. Prayers to his family and those who loved him
I am truly saddened to hear of the loss of your friend. Your music together has helped me recently with the same loss emotionally you describe. As I’m sure it has many through the years. I sympathize with you his friends, and also thank you for a lifetime of beautiful music you gave the world together with your friendship. You have all made the world a more beautiful place with your own shade of purple. Many blessings to you all in the years we have left to share.
The music Jon Lord wrote for his solo work and with Deep Purple has been the sound track to my life for 42 years. Jon did more than anyone to help break down the boundries and snobbery in music, epitomised by his vision in the “Concerto for Group and Orchestra”, paving the way for a myriad of rock and orchestral amalgams. Best wishes to all Jons family and personal friends.
I was very saddened to hear of Jon’s passing. I’m a young songwriter/musician, and I can honestly say that Jon was one of my biggest influences growing up. A phenomenal player, and a truly great man. He will be missed by many, the world over. May his legacy live on.
Roger I’ve followed deep purple since my teens, Jon was the glue that held you all together. The band never received the accolades that others received at the time in the uk. Deep purple were clearly different with the classical undertones supplied by Jon and the eastern european scales provided by Ritchie. No one was doing this to the standard u guys did and Jon lord drove this u were different to the rest including led zep et al.
The Hammond organ rotating Leslie was jons brand and it adds a quality to deep purples sound no others could create. I hope u all including my hero ritchie black more can give Jon the send off he deserves. A wonderful talented gentle person rip
Jon immense Jon.. Find yourself in heaven your heavenly music
16.07.2012 : it’s a very sad day for music. A great man is gone, but his works stay. Take a moment to hear ‘Space truckin'” on Made in Japan or the intro on “You fool no one” or…or… the list is too long ! Mister Lord stays always in our hearts.
Words fail at this time, listening to Deep Purple from the age of ten, back in 1970 to Black Knight and In Rock through to Come Taste and then the reunion years, Purple were and always be my favourite band. Without Jon, there would be no Purple, his distinctive sound gave for the me that edge over others, his ontribution to the band and music were immense. His playing seemed so effortless and there are so many songs to choose from that it becomes impossible to say, that was Jon, undoubtedly, Speed king springs to mind, space trucking from Made In Japan, is another. I was fortunate to grow up with Deep Purple and they have dominated my life for 42 years, I was lucky to see various line ups and Jon with Whitesnake, his playing never less than 110 per cent. For me they will never be the same. Sorry Roger. Meeting Jon a couple of times, he was friendly, warm, had a great sense of humour, he will be sorely missed, loved by fans globally. That great gig in the sky will be better now with him in it. Thank you Jon for all you have done with Roger and others, your legacy and music will live on
Roger, I’m very sory for our lost.. It was very sad to read the news and see that Jon was gone.. My thoughts for you and his family!
Rest in peace Jon!
A big sir left us, jon was a big musician as he had to be a good man in the daily life.
I am very very saddened at the loss of Jon Lord. As a fan of Deep Purple his hammond playing was nothing short of jaw dropping. Been listening to a selection of his work. Solitaire, Perfect Strangers, Anya….I can’t believe he is gone. My condolances go out to his family and the entire DP family.
An absolute musical genious has passed. I’ve listened to Jon’s composition ‘Pictured Within” several times in the past few days, an absolute moving piece and a self tribute to a great man & musician within “our generation”. Move over, go away Bieber & Madonna, you can’t touch true talent, you can’t touch this man….
Triste nouvelle, la grande Famille de Deep Purple vient de perdre un des siens, Jon. Toutes mes condoléances et pensées pour ses proches. Je tenais à exprimer cette douleur et mes remerciements à vous tous pour toutes vos musiques qui m’accompagne dans ma vie et que j’aime toujours autant en groupes ou en carrière solo… Du premier Purple à Rapture of the Deep, de Ian Gillan Band à Blackmore’s Night en passant par Rainbow, Paice Aston Lord, Whitesnake et Ronnie James Dio, des albums solo de Jon “Sarabande”, “Pictured Within”, “Beyond the notes” et des votres Roger avec en particulier “Snapshot” !!! Je pourrais tous les citer en espèrant qu’il y en aura encore et encore… J’avais eu le bonheur de voir une dernière fois Jon au Concert Symphonique de Mulhouse en mai 2011 ! Grandiose ! Je serai là quelque part dans la foule au concert du Zénih à Paris et impatient d’écouter le prochain Album de DP. Un fidèle fan !
“And in the end
The love you take
Is equal to the love you make.”
In all these comments, we all can see how much Jon Lord,
and you all, gave to us and to our times.
Today we’re like a big big family that’s sharing, for sure in different ways, a great loss.
A big, respectful, embrace.
Matteo Nahum, Italy
Subtlety. Yes, there was it in the Purple sound. Three moments I can’t forget: Jon’s solo on HEY JOE, first album. Jon and you, in a dialogue, in the mid-section of NO, NO, NO (Fireball). Jon playing all the instruments alongside Glenn Hughes’s voice on THIS TIME AROUND, Come Taste the Band, 1976. For these alone (and much more!) I’ll never forget Jon.
I wonder if the gifts of music and art go with us,after passing on from this life or are passed on to future generations like a whisper in the ear or a bright spark in the soul.
Caro Roger, un grande dolore per Jon.
I was profoundly saddened on hearing the news about Jon.
I put on Highway star from made in Japan and cried all the way through it.
Jon will never be replaced. He was a wonderful gentleman — always gracious – always humble. He was a musical genius! When he made the Hammond G3 RUMBLE and ROAR like the best it was it made my whole body shake!
In 1972 I attended a Life Guard camp at Camp Pioneer in Mena, Arkansas. One of the attendees had a “portable” 8-track player (HaHa) with a bazillion batteries powering it. He gathered the other male participants together and said, “You have GOT to hear this”! The 8-track we HAD to hear was Deep Purple Machine Head. The first notes we heard were the Hammond B3 on Lazy. I was BLOWN AWAY and have been EVER since.
Jon Lord will never be replaced.
Rest in peace John and thank you for all that you gave us
My deepest, most heartfelt condolences go out to you, Jon Lord’s family, and all who loved the man as well as his incredible contribution to music. That over-driven Hammond sound–integral part of the finest band in hard rock–created a blueprint in this boy’s soul of how great music SOUNDS and FEELS. I am forever grateful for that.
Hola Roger te mando un abrazo en este duro momento ,solo alivia mi dolor por la partida de Jon el saber que no sufre más ,y que estará en un lugar privilegiado de nuestro corazón púrpura por siempre ,sigan tocando las canciones que supieron componer es una forma que no se vaya nunca…
No words to describe the loss of an authentic musician. I’ve followed Jon for over half my life. Those who miss him will eventually fare better for having known of him. RIP
I don’t think I will ever get over this bad news. Everything I know about music came from Jon Lord. Everything that ever excited me in music came from Jon Lord. In the darkest moments of my life when I was preparing to die, I was listening “Highway star” and just waiting for Jon’s solo to pass to be ready to go. I did not. I was really devastated yesterday on that news.
I can’t imagine the emptiness inside you. So much time together, so many memorable years. And even from an outside position, i piece of me died as well yesterday. My deepeest sympathy to you.
Hi Roger,
I’d like to express my condolences and sincere regret to you and the extended Deep Purple family in regards to Jon’s passing. He was truly a musical innovator and will be sorely missed. I am sure that you do have many fond memories of Jon that will help get you through this difficult time, and I hope that Jon’s life will be celebrated at his memorial service.
Our prayers are with you and Jon’s family, and our loss is Heaven’s gain. Stay strong. my friend!
Jack67, a fellow bassist/keyboardist in the U.S.
The very first time that I saw and met Jon was with DP, back in Zurich July 13, 1985…then it happened so many other times, the last being with my late friend Steve Lee, by chance again in Zurich. And once he saw me sneaking into the hotel’s restaurant, Jon said (typical Jon’s sense of humour): “I think I saw you some times before”.
This year my dad passed away, Jon passed away…and other lovely friends passed away. I’m sure there is a life when we all shall meet again.
Thanks Jon! God bless you, your families and friends. You are the guy whose “Lazy” Hammond’s intro made me love the very first LP I bought myself…”Machine Head”. And that LP made me a musician.
I’m Italian and so…sorry for my english.Jon’s death is a very dramatic new……and, although I believe in the passage from darkness to light, non my soul is dark and my eyes full of tears. Roger…..isn’t wonderful that HE gave to you the great gift of Gemini Suite’s “Bass Movement”? An old fan and, in some strange way, friend. Carlo
At times like these we perhaps realise how fragile we and our heroes are, and Jon was certainly one of those. Thanks for all the emotion and humanity you conveyed through your music. Sympathy goes out to all who were close and much gratitude for all we anonymously shared. Thank you.
Your words, dear Roger, are touching. For us who have no possibility to talk, to smile, to laugh with Jon, every day, this is the confirmation of our impression. Jon will miss so much. Our thoughts are with the family.
My heart is broken. Like my grandfather passed away. I still thinking of Jon. I am very sad and it hurts. (I am 25 years old). I LOVE JON LORD. Please God help him to get in to your Kindgdom where he can play fantasic music and waiting for us.
This is a very sad day for me, Jon inspired me not only in my playing but in life as well. He was a true gentleman and the world is a darker place without him. My heart goes out to all current and former members of Deep Purple and to Jons’ family and friends. R.I.P. Jon You’re in my heart forever.
Sue and I are filled with sadness at the loss of your bandmate and dear friend Jon. Your kindness to us enabled us to met Jon a few times and it was easy to see what a fine man and musician he was. Our thoughts are with his family and you Roger during this difficult time.
Dear Roger,
I’m lost for words, I know the loss I’m feeling who only met him a few times, I can’t imagine your’s.
Lots of Love
It’s a really sad day on this monday 16, Jon was the best keyboard sound of the 70’s and over.. One of my favorites of all times, is her 1998 “Pictured Within” solo album, so full of emotions… We already miss you Jon.. God bless you ! Hope you take pleasure in playing with Ronnie… in heaven !
Pascal Borsotto
Estimado Roger,
Que gran pérdida la de nuestro querido y admirado Jon. Mis mas sinceras condolencias para su esposa, hijas y seres queridos. Lo extrañaremos…
De tout Coeur avec vous dans ces moments si difficiles.
Jon was a genuine trailblazer, inspiration and craftsman. The world is a poorer place without Jon but the legacy he leaves behind is recognised by many. What memories we have in our heads and hearts will ensure that his presence remains large and strong. I will never forget that gig in Glasgow – I am simply grateful that I was there to enjoy and share the experience.
My thoughts are for his family and those closest to him.
hey roger, I was listen deep purple when I was 11 years, today I am 36 years and I keep listen you, Jon Lord is a wonderfull musician and gentleman. I remember when you come at costa rica in 1998. I was with you in the herradura hotel. Thanks for be my favorite band for all my life, and rest in peace for Jon Lord.
hey – it is a good thought that he lives on in his music
but I´m sad, of course, and that will last for a long time.
best wishes for you, and keep on going……..
I’m just 22 years old and I am a drummer.I saw Jon Lord with Deep Purple like 10 years ago in Nürnberg.I might be a kid in your eyes but I want to tell you that i am still sad about Jon Lords death. Some might say I’m crazy that I am sad about the death of a man i barely knew and who actually didn’t know that I existed.But I cannot say how much his and your music give and gave to me. I’m personally touched because I feel like I have to thank you for your music and hours of happiness i had and will have in listening to your music. I feel like a kind of helpless because I cannot do anything to ease the pain of any of Jon’s family or friends. But belivie me I would if I could. I knew about his illness but I was sure that he would return to the stage. Actually I wanted to visit a Jon Lord concert with my father, a great first-hour Deep Purple fan. I’m so sad that I can’t see him one more last time on stage.
“It’s clearly quite absourd”
Rest in deep piece
Greetings from Germany
What a sad loss, my appreciation of his music will never cease.
Please can I express my sincere heartfelt condolence on the loss of your fellow bandmate and dear friend Jon.
Jon was and always will be that rare breed of genius – a non-imitator.One of musics great originals,at the very heart of Deep Purple.His Hammond/Marshall sonic innovation powered and changed the sound of rock music forever.His composition and improvisation have sent shivers up my spine since I was fourteen years old and will stand tall always.
More than this, all of us musicians inspired by his influence and creativity stand by him as a true gentleman.
I have so many documentaries and interviews where he discussed his life-path and the history of Purple.What a lovely guy.The very finest. Stalwart,diplomat,peacemaker,generous and group-anchor. A wise insightful helper ,giver and supporter.Ian Gillan knew this and has spoken at length about it.
Jon was so witty and spontaneously funny- His contributions to the Gillan-cam on “a Journey in Rock” had me in stitches.
God love that guy.Always in our hearts.The very very finest.
Paul R Evans.
hola Roger,mi mas sincero pesame a toda la familia de Jon,el gran maestro. el mundo esta realmente dolído. un abrazo a todos desde Galicia,España
The passing of Jon is such a loss…he, and all of Deep Purple/Rainbow have brought me so many years of happiness. I never met or knew Jon, but I did have the pleasure of meeting you and Ritchie back in the 80s.
I can only imagine this loss to those who knew and called him “friend”. My heart goes out to all of you. I myself am experiencing a great sense of loss, sadness and emptiness.
Rest in Peace Jon Lord!!
Jon Lord will be sadley missed. My thougts are with his family.
Take care. Kind regards. Juhani
Hi Roger
non ci volevo credere questa mattina quando ho letto la notizia.
sono molto triste per la perdita di Jon avevo 6 anni quando grazie a mio fratello Cesare ho scoperto i Deep Purple, il mangianastri passava Strange Kind of Woman, mi avete accompagnato per tutta la vita, grazie .
mi stringo in un abbraccio forte a tutti i fan addolorati
Grazie Jon
Jon made me cry twice: nearly 40 years ago when I first heard the amazing Burn solo, and yesterday. I can’t imagine how hard this is for you, his lifelog friends, the whole Deep Purple family. My deepest condolences to you all.
hey roger, perdon por no expresarme en ingles, soy un fan purpura mexicano, tambien siento una profunda tristeza por la perdida de el Maestro, y espero que su familia encuentre muy pronto el consuelo a esta gran perdida
i saw jon live many times with purple whitesnake and pal and remember his warmth and humor the last time was 1996 at sheffield city hall as he began the intro to a song a young guy in the audience shouted “go on jon” he stopped playing and looking up he asked “where do you want to go son” the audience roared with laughter. it was just a moment but it optimized the man….rip jon lord..
The brasilian south rockers are in mourning. Jon Lord will always be in our hearts. Be with God, Jon. Deric Jones – Caxias do Sul, Rio GFrande do Sul – Brasil.
The first time I heard a song by Deep Purple I was about 14 years old. It was love at first sight, especially for “that” particular sound that I couldn’t immediately recognize. It was the sound of the Hammond of Jon Lord. Now I’m 40 and I play keyboards. It was the music and sound of Jon that pushed me, long time ago, to learn to play keyboards as a self-taught and to love “that” sound… the sound of Jon’s Hammond organ. Thank You Jon, I will always remember your music.
My respect and gratitude to the great Jon!
Hi Roger,
Deep Purple was always like my family, i start to play music listening them, now it’s like i’ve lost a parent.
A rivederci Jon, i never forget you.
Sorry for my bad english
Hello Roger a while since i been on your site , I too am sadden of the new’s of Jon … I know you was really close to Jon. I can’t even imagine the emptiness you feel & there’s nothing to fill the void of a lost of this magnitude for you & The Deep Purple Band . My you & Jon’s family all find your way through this loss & Ya all now Jon will b on tour with the Purple Band all way’s ….. RIP JL , RENO ………….
Dear Roger
This is very sad news indeed. Condolences to you and all the Deep Purple family at the loss of your great friend and colleague. RIP Jon Lord..a true gentleman.
Thanks Jon: You’ll be always in our hearts …
Hi Roger … we are really with you …
Jon lives in our hearts … He is with us everytime his music play … Ciao and Thank you for all …
Roger, Shocked and saddened to hear about Jon. My condolences go out to you and the entire Purple family. Jon was an incredible musician and a true gentleman – he will truly be missed. Jon’s contributions and his influence will live on through the art he left behind… Best, Chris
Jon’s passing has casted a long shadow. His forth-coming album will be a bittersweet affair. You of all people must be in pain beyond mere words. The entire Purple family has to be devastated. We can only say “Thank You,Jon” for all the great music that covered all genres. We all hurt. So hard to know he is gone. Take care of yourself Rog.
Roger, your words about Jon were perfect. Thank you.
Dear Roger,
This night was a hard night to sleep.
Everytime I woke up I was thinking of Jon…..that he is gone.
It´s very hard to take in and very unrealistic.
I´ve met him several times during the years
and it was very nice every time.
Last time I met him was after the Polar Music Prize Award
in Stockholm in 2006 outside the Concerthouse where he had
announced Led Zeppelin.
Last time I saw him play music was his last show with Deep Purple
in Ipswich September 2002.
Now is one of the big five in the greatest line up ever, DP MK II,
It is hard to melt.
Dear Roger,
It’s so sad that Jon passed away. My thoughts are also with you. Having lost a friend myself just 6 months ago, I know what you must feel now.
I will always remember meeting Jon after a Purple concert in 1996. Such a gentleman.
Dear Roger, I am saddened to hear about Jon’s passing. My prayers are with you and his family.
So sad that Jon Lord has passed away. That unique and fantastic sound of Deep Purple with your solid inspirational bass Roger complimented and extended by Jon’s Hammond. The music will never die.
So very saddened to find out that Jon has lost his battle against his illness. He has meant so much to Me in my life. Deep Purple have given so many of us so much enjoyment and fun over the years. I also was a fan of his solo work too. Jon Lord was a special talent and a very nice Man. I got to Meet him at a concert in Pittsburgh in 1996. The Man was just genuinely a nice person. My prayers are with all his Family and his dear friends like you Roger.
Jon was a giant behind the Hammond who gave every shade of color to the bands he played with. From the grungiest riffs to the sweetest melodies in the space of one bar.
An utterly irreplaceable loss.
I’ve met Jon on my many personal encounters with Deep Purple and he was a personality. Intelligent, warm, amusing. He was everything there is to music. And then, there was much more as a person.
Shine on Jon.
A work mate who could see I was upset this morning asked what was wrong? I looked up with tears welling in my eyes and said simply…”I lost a friend today”
qui ci sono gli amici…
gli eroi…
la luce del sole..
il grigio…
la vita…
ecco le sanguinanti bugie d’amore…
memorie così confuse…
e sogni che mi hanno fatto impazzire…
ecco la tristezza..
e il paradiso..
la luce delle stelle…
e il dolore..
ecco i sorrisi in occhi di arcobaleno…
mio padre e mia madre..
le mie sorelle e mio fratello…
dentro la cornice
Dove le ombre malate si scontrano con il chiarore della luna..
lì vivono i draghi che io ho assassinato…
e qui ci sono occhi scintillanti con capelli così dorati…
albe e tramonti e corse libere…
e ridere alla pioggia…
Ecco la mia casa…
i viaggi….
i tuoni…
la malinconia…
e qualche volta il paradiso e meravigliosi pensieri…
il miracolo dei bambini…
un poeta e un pellegrino
amici e parenti – dentro la cornice
vittorie e sconfitte – dentro la cornice
Aspetta ancora un po’ prima di andartene,
così capirai, che cosa provo io quando tu parti
Io lo capisco, hai bisogno di solitudine per un po’
Aspetta ancora un po’, prima di andartene
dovresti sapere ormai, che il mio cuore ti appartiene
Lo so che devi partire, e lo vedo che non è facile per te
ma io sarò qui e sappi che il mio cuore sarà sempre vicino a te
Aspetta ancora un po’ prima di partire,
dovresti sapere ormai che ti amo e saprò aspettare un po’
sciogli le promesse e le foglie cadranno
versa il vino e i nostri sogni arriveranno
tutti intorno a noi
la sabbia del tempo scivola tra le mie dita
tu ed io, e indugiano i ricordi ancora
e ancora
Ora so che se solo ti lasciassi andare
e se aspettassi un po’, tu saresti di nuovo con me
gli stessi vecchi amici che siamo sempre stati
Aspetta un po’ prima di andartene
dovresti sapere ormai che ti amo
e saprò aspettare un po’
per te
One of my greatest influences ever was DP, all of you guys, and so was the gentleman Jon Lord. A big part of my life passed away, but ´we will never forget him. I don´t know a single one who did not loved Jon.
I hope – I KNOW – he will be a member of the Great Heavenly Orchestra. Rest in peace, Jon.
George (Basel, Switzerland)
You summed up my sentiments, exactly, Roger. Jon was a great talent and part of the reason I’ve been a Deep Purple fan for the past 40 years.
a deep sad to hear about him…
Over 50 times I saw Jon and you Roger, on stage. That was really friendship and loyality what I saw. For me , I must consider, its like a near friend was going. I shed in tears.
I will never forget. ” Here be friends, here be heroes.” Best wishes to you, and keep goin on….
Dear Roger and all, who loved Jon’s play and character. I’m so sad about his death. He has been a music hero all my life. Who could play with one hand “For Elise” and with the other hand “Smoke on the water” the same time? Jon could. I will never forget him.
Estou muito triste ! meu primeiro disco foi “Deep Purple in rock” . São Paulo/Brasil
Hi Roger,
Sad to hear of Jon’s passing.
By the way you never got to see my horse’s, that your Mum’s cousin Sadie kept telling you and Gillian about !
Hi Roger. I write in Italian . E’ scomparso un grande della mia famiglia porpora. E’ scomparso un grande uomo. Condoglianze e un abbraccio. gb
Hi Roger, I remember a visit to the Sydney Opera House to see The Australian Ballet in Dec 1984 with Jon and yourself. I clearly remember Jon leaning over to you and whispering “you think they’d play it a little louder”. That was funny, it made me smile. It was a wonderful evening. May all be well with you. I feel for your loss. Linda
We are greatly saddened …. Thanks Jon, we will continue with humility and immense gratitude to honor your fantastic music…. R.I.P.
A great musician and gentleman indeed, who will live on 4ever in his music.R.I.P.Jon.
I cannot believe Jon has gone. A true gentleman,the most amazing keyboard player ever to have played rock music. Deep Purple have always been my life….my love and thoughts go out to Jons family and the remaining members of Deep Purple. We must remember to continue celebrating Jons life and work.
Gary Millington
DearRoger, please accept my deepest condolences. What a giant among men Jon is. I feel like I’ve lost a family member. Words are really not enough. My heart goes out to his musical and “real” family. Thank you, Jon. Eternal love and gratitude for making our lives that much better.
R.I.P Jon, incredible musician as well as a true gent, his music will live on forever, Through listening to DP and Jon I opened up my mind and gave many different styles of music a chance, I would borrow albums from my local library or flick through the radio randomly listening to anything and everything, sorry I’m not very good at this but rest in peace Jon, you brought pleasure to millions and the tributes on various sites I’ve just been reading show just how much affection there is out there.
This is very sad news.
My condoleances to his family and friends. And to the world of music.
Even God cried today:-( Rest in music, Mr. Lord, and may God bless those you leave behind. Your music will will live on- forever! To Rog, I’m so sorry for your loss:-( God bless!
Dear Roger,
you are not alone in your grief.
I think nobody who ever met Jon could do anything but love him. A wonderful person, and a true musical genius. He will live on forever in his work and in our hearts.
Dear Roger,
I want to write this comment as the part of auto-theraphy for myself. Having learnt the news I had a dreadful night, crying over, a grown men, 33 years of age…
And I wonder if it’s fair to say that we share carrying the same load now. You’ve been alongside to this Man for 30+ years, I’ve seen Jon 5 times live and met Him once, which was surely the happiest moment of my life, ever.
I used to be told I’m outspoken, now I sit staring blandly and wondering – is there a way to write an eulogy to Him?
A Godfather to the proceedings, that what He was to me. Ignore your physical disability, even with one hand capable of using fingers – use the keyboards, play it, do it, ’cause it’s what inspires you the most. Try to enjoy it as immensely as Jon did.
And this is only a drop from the ocean of the Humanity that Jon indeeed was. I sometimes wonder if I was the only one infected with the love of his voice? I loved to hear Him talk. I can still remember the timbre of His laughter after He was commenting on the “Come Hell Or High Water” video interviews that you actually CAN sing lead vocals.
Humble, genuine, masterful, ever witty and smiling. He made me instantly wanting to embrace Him as the most wonderful human being that I’ve met in my life. I could never praise Him enough, it made people who knew me close a bit crazy, but they knew that my love and respect to Mr. Lord were deep, intuitial and truly heartfelt… I was just so genetically into everything He did and was. A real achievement: be an acknowledged rock musician and remain a truly humble personality and rennaisance man of arts and wisdom in 20th and 21st schizoid century…
Yesterday I suffered the biggest loss ever in my life beyond the biological family members and I do believe you do feel a huge, uncontrolled sense of being deserted too.
I just wanted to share this burst of feelings over the still unthinkable, ’cause I literally feel like the blindman, who had a friend once in a room, had a good time – but it ended much too soon…
Awareness of the fact that there are legions of those like me doesn’t help much this moment, but… I wish you – and all of us already having our hearts bleeding for Jon – a quick finding of peace and comfort in a sadder place here without him.
Please remember His irreplaceable Person while you record and mix the new Deep Purple album. The keyboards matter, He made it shine and brought us all the happiest days of our lives!
Best wishes and kind regards – thank you,
PS. I’m supposed to go today to see Warren Haynes with Gov’t Mule live, a great event for sure as they’re a great band, but it will be such a bitter pill to swallow anyway just because of grieving over Jon’s loss. Life – as lovely and brutal as it ever comes.
We have lost an incredible musician a true Maestro who was capable of crossing the boundaries of musical genres.
He will be missed but his music will last for ever!
Thank you Jon thank for all your music.
I can’t believe it. I’m really sad.
me too roger thanks to you both for some life changing music gary
dear Roger
I was shocked last night when a friend of mine told me about this sad news. my prayer and my thought to his family. keep strenght and tight. I have been a fan of Deep Purple since 1980. a truly sad for me. we love Jon and his genius music with Deep Purple
It’s a terrible, terrible loss. He was an inspiration and a great, great muso. He shall be missed very much.
Dear Roger, just heard of the passing of Jon… What a sad news… Wish you strength and love…
hola roger saludos de rosario argentina!!! hoy estoy muy triste por la muerte de jon y queria preguntarte alguna anedcota o historia con el…..muchas gracias
You were my inspiration in my teens to play the bass. I’m in my 50’s now, and had many great band experiences. Just want to thank you and say how sorry I am for the loss of Jon Lord today. I called all my past band buddies when I heard the news. Good luck to you and thanks for the music!
Lorin Reeder
Roger, a sad day learning of the passing of Jon Lord. Deep Purple is an all time favorite, I grew up on you all. And in the many levels of Deep Purple the constant has been your incredibly talented steady foundation. I so have injoyed the proud music you and the boys have given us over these years. And the sustainability of your talents continue where others do not have that. Makes me very proud to have had Deep Purple music ingrained in my soul. Roger keep up your efforts to keep that alive and well. May Deep Purples colors run and run forever. I have recently introduced my 8 year old nephew to the band music, and a new fan is born! There is still work to be done! Thank You for an outstanding life of work and a legacy of quality few have commited to. My best to you and a huge debt of gratitude to you and all the guys. And to Jon enjoy the rest you have earned it. Respectfully, TK
OMG…………I cant believe that Jon Lord (original member of Deep Purple) passed away today. All this time we thought he was fighting this horrible disease with promising results. We ALL will miss him and his Hammond B3 sound so much. Jon has inspired the world like no other keyboardist and he was a truly wonderful person. Thank you so very much for what seems like endless years of fantastic music and wonderful memories. Tera and I, like millions of others from past, present and future will be listening to your music wherever you are. Take care, farewell and may God bless you with comfort and happiness now that you are in a better place. Les and Tera Palasty
Hello Rog….. Don’t know if you’ll remember me from the infamous ’71 Overton Park Concert in Memphis, after which you and Ian and I spent several hours in the Peabody’s hotel room doing radio interviews….. been a looooooog time. Just wanted to say how sorry I am that we’ve lost Jon. Take care of yourself and all the very best from Arkansas.
Hi Roger,
just heard the news about John – I’m deeply saddened by his passing, I have very fond memories of him from the session at Real World and the memory of such a nice man with always be with me.
Please forward my heartfelt condolences to his family and all members of the band – he will be sorely missed.
With deepest sympathy,
Marco Migliari
Having just heard the sad news regarding the passing of your friend and an inspiriration to many Mr Jon Lord I would like to offer my condolences and say what a sad day this is.
David McCrory
Condoglianze per la perdita di Jon Lord
Oh Rog I am so sorry to hear of Jon Lord’s passing. He was a wonderful man and a fantastic musician. Please pass my condolences to the band and his family. Deb
My thoughts are with you and the band at this time with the passing of our friend and legend that is Jon Lord, the man who made the hammond organ cool. As Jon passes from Darkness to light we will all miss him and remember the legend and his awesome hammond sound. RIP. :0(